In the Joint Commission Perspectives May 2016 edition, the Commission reversed its 2011 position prohibiting clinician texting of patient orders within accredited health care institutions, stating technological advancements now allow for secure transmission. The Joint Commission first issued its ban in 2011 by posting an often overlooked response to the frequently asked question regarding the by then ubiquitous communication tool: “[I]t is not acceptable for physicians or licensed independent practitioners to text orders for patients to the hospital or other healthcare setting. This method provides no ability to verify the identity of the person sending the text and there is no way to keep the original message as validation of what is entered into the medical record.” While the Commission did not have a specific policy against electronic communications, its FAQ response highlighted concerns surrounding texting’s privacy, security, reliability and record retention shortcomings. Following FAQ response’s posting, institutions accredited by the Commission were expected to comply with the texting ban on clinical orders. However, recent studies have shown that permitting the texting of orders within health systems could significantly increase hospital efficiencies and reduce the length of patient stays.