
News of Note for the Internet-Minded (8/10/22) – DeepMind, DALL-E and Fractured Fingers


AI technology dominates the news cycle with news of DeepMind’s groundbreaking discovery of almost all structures of known proteins, an ethical dilemma prompted by a chess-playing robot that broke its young opponent’s finger, the artistic possibilities that DALL-E’s text-to-picture art tool may deliver, and more.


News of Note for the Internet-Minded (7/6/22) – Quantum Leaps, VR Tools and Cryptocurrency Tumult

News of Note for the Internet-Minded (5/27/22) – Ransomware Attacks, Crypto Crashes and Genetic NFTs

News of Note for the Internet-Minded (4/19/22) – IP and NFTs, Virtual Reality & Ransom(every)ware