
Internet & Social Media Law Blog


Five Things to Know about New Jersey’s Taxation of Convertible Virtual Currency

On March 10, 2015, the New Jersey Division of Taxation issued Technical Advisory Memorandum TAM-2015-1, explaining its policy regarding convertible virtual currency. The IRS has held that convertible virtual currency (CVC), such as Bitcoin, is treated as property for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Consequently, transactions involving CVC are treated…


Join Pillsbury for the Game Developer Symposium!

The Game Developer Symposium is open to any of the following: amateur, professional, or aspiring game developers, gamers, musicians, graphic designers, coders, animators, sound technicians, hardware developers, marketers, storytellers, writers, etc.. Some of the above may seem surprising to you, but so will this fact: the gaming industry is bigger…


Around the Virtual World: April 6 – 10, 2015

A weekly wrap up of interesting news about virtual worlds, virtual goods, and other social media.     Will Doctors Soon Prescribe Video Games? How researchers are using computer games to treat pain, aging, ADHD, and other ailments. 5 ways the Postal Service could save money with Google Glass-type eyewear…


Nintendo moves towards mobile gaming

This week, Nintendo shocked the gaming industry when it announced a partnership with DeNA, a company that makes free-to-play games for mobile phones. Historically, Nintendo has been resistant to releasing their well-known games on mobile devices, so the partnership represents a possible shift away from games that are exclusive to…


Virginia Serious Game Institute Calls for Applications for Entrepreneurs in Simulation, Modeling and Serious Game Design

Each year, the Virginia Serious Game Institute invites applicants to reside in the business incubator located on the George Mason University – Prince William Campus in Prince William County, Virginia. Each application requires the submission of a business plan summary, or company one-page summary. Applications are considered on how well…


California Virtual Currency Legislation

On February 27, 2015, California Assemblyman Matt Dababneh, chairman of the state’s Banking and Finance Committee, introduced Assembly Bill 1326, which would prohibit a person from engaging in California in the business of “virtual currency” without a license from the California Department of Business Oversight, unless such person otherwise qualifies for…


Bitcoin Game Changer?

Former Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas and Societe Generale bankers have announced a new futures and options derivatives-trading platform for bitcoin. The derivatives, tied to the price of bitcoin, will enable businesses and investors to hedge their digital currency exposure. Will this be a turning point for bitcoin?


Client Alert: FTC Issues New Guidance For Mobile App Developers that Collect Location Data

A mobile app that collects users’ location data while the mobile app is not in use should clearly disclose such practices and provide users with choices. Failure to do so could give rise to an FTC claim of deceptive practices. For more information, please read our Client Alert.


Opportunity to Study Privacy Law in Amsterdam This Summer

The University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Information Law will be holding its third annual Summer Course on Privacy Law and Policy from July 6-10, 2015. The course will focus on privacy law and policy related to the Internet, electronic communications and online and social media. It will feature a faculty…