Amazon adjusts its TOS to account for a zombie apocalypse; Apple and Facebook ponder different roads for VR and its devices; the BBC will scan your face to see how you feel about what you’re viewing; and more … The Drone Racing League (DRL) launches at 80 mph and “wreck…
Internet & Social Media Law Blog
Managing the Cybersecurity Risks of the Medical Internet of Things
The cybersecurity ramifications of the Internet of Things (IoT) are perhaps nowhere more crucial—potentially a matter of life and death, in fact—than in the realm of medical devices. Until recent times, a potential hack of the data-sharing that is a hallmark of the IoT raised far more privacy concerns than…
The Value of Terms Limits: YouTube’s Broadly Defined TOS Does the Trick
Frequent readers of our blog will recall that in prior posts on companies such as Uber, Ashley Madison and Twitter, we have stressed the importance of having a robust terms of service (TOS) agreement. In many instances, TOS, if adeptly deployed, can limit a social media or gaming company’s liability…
News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 2/5/16
Augmented reality goes to the Superbowl; Cisco commits to the Internet of Things with a billion-dollar embrace (even as IBM belatedly embraces the cloud); the staying power of the sharing economy is questioned; and more … As Google’s head of AI becomes the head of the company, Google search is…
The ITC Tries an En Banc Shot to Redefine Its Regulatory Authority
In our recent post, Living in a Nonmaterial World: Determining IP Rights for Digital Data, we discussed the potential impact of the Federal Circuit decision in ClearCorrect v. ITC, 2014-1527, in which the appeals court held that the “articles that infringe” are limited to “material things” and thus do not…
Uber and Lyft Choose Different Routes in Navigating Legal Challenges
The future of ride-sharing companies has hung in the balance for more than two years while class actions and labor complaints were pending against industry giants Uber, Lyft and others. The ride-sharing companies have primarily fought with their drivers over the driver’s employment status—a conflict between whether the drivers are…
News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 1/29/16
It’s been a week when virtual reality news reigns supreme, with the technology shown off in medicine, film and entertainment, and as part of Apple’s future plans. The FCC has even suggested a spectrum designation for it. Oh, and did you hear about the Google AI’s defeat of a Go…
Twitter, the Drone Selfie and Charting a Course for New Technology
A recently published patent application filed by Twitter provides a possible glimpse into the future of social media and selfies—and it’s a future arriving on the wings of that poster child of modern technology, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone. The patent indicates that Twitter may be experimenting with…
News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 1/22/16
Stories of interest include Apple’s moves in VR and AR, the future of AI research, the security holes in the Internet of Things, and more. Apple reported to have hired a “leading thinker on virtual reality and augmented reality.” (Katie Collins, c|net) Three virtual reality films premier in the Sundance…
The Complicated Relationship between DMCA Takedown Notices and the Word “Expeditious”
Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. When it comes to acting on copyright infringement takedown notices, just how fast is fast enough for social media platforms? Some recent (and not-so-recent) cases reveal how difficult the question has proven for the courts. The first two weeks of the year saw two similar actions…