
Articles Posted in Artificial Intelligence


News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 9/13/18 – Alexa the Witness, Copyright’s Taste Test and ToSDR

Algorithms behave pretty much as they are programmed to (for good and ill); augmented reality continues to seep into the auto industry; humans strive for immortality; and more … New website ToSDR summarizes and rates the terms from various service agreements. (Arielle Pardes, Wired) “Algorithmic bias” and the human factor…


Model Behavior: Harnessing the Benefit of a Vendor’s AI Technology

“AI will most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there’ll be great companies.” –Sam Altman   Artificial intelligence (AI) is a controversial topic. It is easy to imagine a near future where AI solves some of our greatest problems and a relatively more distant…


Black Boxes, Bad Data and Being Wary of AI in the Boardroom

In his recent commentary, AI: Black boxes and the boardroom, colleague Tim Wright examines how well-founded concerns over the inscrutability of artificial intelligence processes and the bad outcomes that can be triggered by bad data can be alleviated by certain common sense approaches in the boardroom. RELATED POSTS…


Yabba Dabba Doo We Know Who Owns This? – New Frontiers in Derivative Work Creation

From the frontiers of content creation, we bring news in the longstanding war between man and machine. Or, in this particular case, animators versus software. Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and the University of Washington are developing artificial intelligence software, dubbed “Composition, Retrieval…


News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 6/5/18 – Ancient IP disputes and Algorithm Testing

In this roundup, some of your favorite initialisms (AI, IP, TOS) come out to play while stories about government agencies and social media access call into question whether such access is a two-way street. There’s a wiki for terms of service agreements. (Arielle Pardes, Wired) Qualcomm introduces its first chip…


News of Note for the Internet-Minded – 5/2/18 – “Dark Patterns,” DNA Mining and Angsty AI Poetry

Recent technology news provides its usual mix of hope, distractions and hand-wringing-worthy developments. (Granted, one of these items is not so much “news” as an ever-present truth about TOS.) How design’s tricks of the trade separate users from their privacy on the internet. (Ariel Bogle, ABC Science) “Restore discs” created…


For the Insurance Industry, AI Introduces More than a Touch of Gray

As developments in artificial intelligence transform the business plans (and in some cases, the very identity) of industries, they also inevitably trigger the need for those industries that serve a supporting role to adapt in response. This is certainly true of the legal profession, and it’s also a given for…


Who Owns the Lessons Learned by Machine Learning?

For all the talk of artificial intelligence and the benefits to be found in the related field of machine learning, there are also plenty of practical issues that companies on both sides of the vendor/client relationship will need to resolve. We recently examined one of these questions in the post, “Come…


Deepfakes, Privacy Rights and an AI-Powered Blurring of the Lines

Recent developments in deep learning artificial intelligence have enabled almost anyone to superimpose facial features—including an entirely different face—into a preexisting video with relatively minimal effort. Until very recently, editing facial features in a video has been incredibly difficult. Even movie studios with access to professional video editing tools have…


10 Tips for Businesses Looking to Buy AI

Artificial intelligence is a transformative technology–or existential threat, depending on what futurist/sci-fi author you read–that will leave few if any industries untouched when all is said and done. Still, no matter how transformed your particular business landscape, most companies that decide they need to employ AI probably won’t be AI…